GNT #024: $500k+ in 18 mo. 3 Lessons That Help Me Grow Communities.
Jun 29, 2023Read time: 3.5 minutes
Have you ever been part of a community that means so much to you, you can't help but engaging?
Me too.
This could be a local club, church, charity, brand, non-profit, or even hobby.
When a community thrives, it becomes a powerful entity, driving change and creating a win/win for all.
Building those stand-out communities that enable real connection and fulfillment is both an art and science.
Why are we talking about this today?
Because communities can create life-changing impact when effectively nurtured.
I've also seen communities work just as hard, but struggle and fizzle out.
Today, I'm going to share with you 3 big lessons I learned growing a community to $500k+ in 18 months for cancer research.
Let's dive right in.
#1 - Niche Down, Be Clear, and Create a Community of Shared Values
When I helped my client, Renodis, launch CIOs Against Cancer as their Fractional Executive Director, we wanted to create a community with a lasting impact.
One that aligned with their business, clients, and fulfilled a greater purpose in the community.
To do that, we needed to:
1) Zero in on a specific cause that mattered to their business and their audience (WHY)
2) Stay true to that specific audience (WHO)
3) Have a specific and clear goal (HOW)
Here's what it looked like for CIOs Against Cancer.
WHY: End cancer for everyone
WHO: Tech CxOs
HOW: Raise awareness and funding for early-career cancer research grants
CIOs Against Cancer organically started in 2020 (yes, during covid!) as a small outdoor event in Minnesota. Since then, the official community and board launched in 2022 and a new chapter is forming in Michigan.
Here's what the community's funding for cancer research has looked like over it's 4 years with a clear why, who, and how.
2020: $30,000
2021: $120,000
2022: $240,000
May 2023 YTD: $280,000
Projected 2023: $500,000
This growth is the result of many, many hands, hearts, and minds. From my client Renodis, our CIO Chair, our partners The American Cancer Society and business partners in the community, and volunteers.
It truly takes a village.
But, the clarity and simplicity of WHY, WHO, and HOW has been essential in building a cohesive and driven community.
It creates a magnetic pull for like-minded individuals to find purpose and belonging.
The lesson:
Niche down, clearly define your WHY, WHO, and HOW. It becomes much easier to rally people around a shared value. This alignment creates a sense of purpose and belonging among community members, which is critical for sustained engagement and impact.
#2 - Build Genuine, 1:1 Connections, and Share Stories
One thing that stood out for me when we launched CIOs Against Cancer was the power of 1:1 connections and personal stories.
I made it a point to learn about each member, understanding their why and how cancer touched their lives.
I also shared my personal story of losing my Mom to cancer when I was 13.
These stories not only built deep relationships, but became a big part of our marketing and programming, because they resonated deeply on a human-to-human level.
The lesson:
Building a thriving community requires real, vulnerable, and genuine 1:1 connections. By learning and sharing personal stories, and consistently showing up for your community, you create an environment of trust and engagement that's invaluable for growth.
#3 - Empower Others to be Ambassadors, Cultivate an Adaptive and Innovative Culture
Creating seeds and excitement and then empowering community members to lead has been a momentum game-changer for CIOs Against Cancer.
From the creation of a board, engaging leaders to champion new events, bringing new volunteer faces into the fold at all levels of the organization.
This not only gave individuals a sense of ownership, but also brought in diverse perspectives and ideas which have been wonderful in continually adapting and innovating how we do things.
With members taking the lead, they became ambassadors for CIOs Against Cancer, reaching out to their networks and exponentially increasing impact.
The lesson:
Empowering others to take leadership roles and encouraging an adaptive and innovative culture are essential in growing communities. When people feel a sense of ownership and are actively involved in decision-making, they become vested in the success, cultivating a self-sustaining, growing ecosystem.
My journey with CIOs Against Cancer hasn't been without its challenges and roadblocks.
But, I hope these lessons I learned with this incredible community help you as you look at your current and future communities.
Let the story of CIOs Against Cancer be a catalyst for you.
Harness the power of community, and you might just create the next wave of change the world is waiting for.
1. Niche Down, Be Clear, and Create a Community of Shared Values
2. Build Genuine, 1:1 Connections, Share Stories
3. Empower Others to be Ambassadors, Cultivate an Adaptive and Innovative Culture
I'm always rooting for you.
See you again next week!
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