GNT #014: 1M+ Views, 3 Lessons That Help Me Grow Businesses
Apr 20, 2023Read time: 4.5 minutes
Do you have a side passion or hobby?
I consider the ultimate value in these side projects to be the lessons we we get out of them that translate to all aspects of our life and career.
My husband Ed and I built a Vans RV-10 airplane in our garage over the course of 3.5 years and 2300 hours.
We documented the build process on our YouTube channel, Good Plane Living, and now share snippets of life as an aviation flying family.
The channel currently has 1,124,432 views on YouTube.
Today I'm going to share with you 3 big lessons I took away from the experience that I wrap into my knowledge as a Fractional CMO and marketing consultant to help businesses grow.
#1 - Be consist, engage, and hold up your end of the relationship
We decided to start our YouTube channel as a supporting build log for our Vans RV-10 airplane.
The FAA requires you to keep records of the construction of your aircraft. My husband, Ed, thought it would be fun to post time lapse videos of the build process on YouTube.
It ended up being a nice evergreen resource for other airplane builders to reference during their build. And it was interesting for a broader audience that was curious and intrigued by the concept of building an airplane.
We learned that creating content builds a relationship with the consumer of that content.
It creates a routine that your audience relies on.
When Ed got sick or we missed posting for awhile, we realized -- we had a community that looked forward to our updates.
And noticed when we didn't post.
Having that community helped us finish the build project, even when it got hard.
The lesson: If you want to succeed in growing a business, consistency in communication is the bedrock. Plan a realistic cadence with your audience that you can stick to over time.
#2 - Be authentic, real, and talk like a human (yes, even in B2B)
I know what you're thinking by now.
"Colleen, you're talking YouTube and airplanes. How do any lessons translate to my professional business?"
I understand that the contexts may be different, but even B2B marketers are evangelizing H2H or human-to-human marketing.
We are bombarded with ads and branded content every day. Customers are more likely to engage with businesses that have a genuine and authentic voice.
B2B writing doesn't exist.
— Kelly Westeen | Éclat Creative (@KellyWesteen) January 18, 2023
But H2H writing does.
A business isn't reading your web copy. Or email copy. But a human is.
So ditch the lie that you shouldn't write like you talk. The best copy sounds human.
It's natural.
On our YouTube channel, we shared our real experiences and voices. As a result, we built a community that appreciated following our journey through all it's twists and turns.
Similarly, businesses that are transparent and authentic tend to build better relationships with their customers, leading to loyalty and growth.
The lesson: Don't be afraid to show your human side in your marketing efforts. Be authentic, and you'll build a more meaningful connection with your audience.
#3 - Develop a thick skin, stay focused on your purpose
These are actual comments we've received on our YouTube content:
"You had me until you panned down and revealed socks with sandals. Noooooooo!"
"You keep saying us. But it looks like Ed is doing most of the work."
"I'm disappointed!! Expected to see some planes and such, not just talk!"
I could go on...
(Although I'm proud of that socks with sandals comment!)
Negative feedback and misalignment is inevitable.
According to Lean CX there's a 10-80-10 rule when it comes to putting out an idea for change, new content, or even a change in your personal style.
- 10% of people will hate it
- 80% percent of people will be indifferent and go with the flow
- 10% will love it
The 10% that love it will "get" your passion, your idea, and the way you do things. They will help spread your message because they feel it's right.
You cannot and will not please everyone, nor should you.
By trying to speak to everyone, you will will speak to no one.
(↑ A foundational marketing concept.)
I'd be lying if I said the critical comments didn't irritate me at times.
But going through this video sharing process really taught me that some critical feedback is valuable -- and some should simply be brushed off.
Developing a thick skin is not about being immune to criticism, but rather about not letting it affect you or your work negatively.
The lesson: Stay focused on your purpose, your why. Don't let negative setbacks or nonconstructive comments distract you from your goals. Remember that success is not just about avoiding failure, but about bouncing back stronger every time you fall.
I shared this article with you today not so you would know of my socks with sandals moment...
But in hopes these 3 lessons I took away from building our YouTube channel to over 1M views will help you grow.
- Be consist, engage, and hold up your end of the relationship
- Be authentic, real, and talk like a human (even in B2B)
- Grow that thick skin, stay focused on your purpose
I hope this article was helpful.
I'm always rooting for you.
See you again next week!

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