GNT #013: 6 Ways to Increase the Credibility of Your Personal Brand
Apr 13, 2023Read time: 4.5 minutes
Personal branding is often misunderstood as self-promotion.
As you and I know, it's not about screaming from the mountaintops, "pay attention to me, notice me, acknowledge me!”
The right personal branding strategy is important because it creates an authentic, compelling, and credible image of you that resonates with your target audience.
Have you noticed these two vastly different approaches to personal branding?
The most powerful ways to increase the credibility of your personal brand is by:
- Letting others communicate it for you
- Focusing on credibility-building activities
It's true in life, and in personal branding.
Our actions and the value others share about us, speaks louder than our own words.
Here are 6 powerful ways to increase the credibility of your personal brand without having to tell people how awesome you are.
#1 - Skills
You've got 'em. Training, certifications, degrees, years of unique hands-on experience doing x, y, and z which resulted in [%, $$, or specific result].
These are fact-based data points that support your credibility.
Include them in your resume, LinkedIn profile, and your website.
And don't forget that regularly up-skilling is important and proves that you're continually learning and honing your craft.
I realized last year that although I have a relevant marketing degree and years of experience, I hadn't completed a digital marketing certification in the last 3 years. (!!!)
Now, I time-block one Friday afternoon per month that I devote to learning.
It's a meeting on my calendar. I have the training information in the calendar invite so I'm ready to go.
I prioritized the training I wanted to tackle first. And when I come across a class, online course, certification, LinkedIn learning, I prioritize it, and add to my calendar.
(I'm booked out until July!)
When you finish a new certification or course, remember to add it to your resume, LinkedIn profile, and website.
#2 - Awards
Awards that are given to you or your business are showcasing you as a leader.
They are a powerful way to increase your credibility.
That doesn't mean you have to sit back and wait for an award to be bestowed on you.
With a little research you can find an award program that you qualify for -- or that you can work towards.
Make sure the award aligns with what you'd like to be known for and take the time to submit a quality entry.
Beware: I've noticed a number of awards programs that make you buy your own trophy for a ridiculous amount.
You don't have to buy the trophy. 😉
#3 - Testimonials
Truth: When others say how awesome you are, it has more credibility than you shouting from the rooftops.
Especially when those individuals have authority in your space, are specific, and reinforce exactly what you want to be known for.
There are a number of ways to start capturing these.
- LinkedIn: Ask for recommendations from people that have worked with you. Be specific about what you'd like the recommendation to cover. Here's a quick video tutorial and a best practice on how to ask for recommendations on LinkedIn.
- Email reach outs: Email your contacts and colleagues that may not be active on LinkedIn. Be specific in your ask. I sometimes offer to draft something first that they can use as a starting point (we are all busy).
- Recommendations at scale: If you are established and looking for testimonials at scale for your platform, product, or service, check out Testimonial.io.
- Build your testimonial library: As you start to receive testimonials, whether on LinkedIn, email, or through a tool, I highly recommend starting a library of testimonials. I use a page in my Notion workspace for all testimonials and quotes. Wherever you house information for your business, create a space for all testimonials, who gave them, and the category/theme of the testimonial so you can easily find it when you need it or are updating your website.
#4 - Brand Association
Marketers have used brand association for years to help reinforce their brand image by aligning with other established brands.
For example Apple often partners with Bose in offering products. It reinforces the perception of Apple products as "high quality." And it's true in reverse. Bose benefits from being associated with the innovative and trendy Apple brand.
YOU can also use brand association.
The people, organizations, and communities you surround yourself with and support, infer a lot about your personal brand without you having to say anything.
#5 - Social Proof
Social proof is the idea that people are more likely to trust you when their peers or others do.
When you post truly helpful content consistently (think LinkedIn posts, podcast, newsletter, blog, videos, etc.), you'll start to build your community of readers and supporters.
When your community interacts with your content (likes, comments, shares), your community is "vouching" for you.
The more visibility your content gets, the more opportunity others have to take notice.
#6 - Volunteering
Rounding out the list with, in my opinion, one of the most powerful ways to increase your personal brand's credibility.
Volunteering your time and expertise with a non-profit you care about and align with.
It shows your commitment to community and your values.
I took on a volunteer board position with the Society for Information Management MN (SIM) in late 2021, and I'm truly blown away and humbled by the connections, friendships, and new opportunities that have come my way in addition to using this experience as a credibility-builder.
Remember to include your volunteer work on your resume, LinkedIn, and on your website.
Be authentic, credible, and compelling with your personal brand (not that other icky extreme).
To increase your personal brand's credibility, focus on incorporating these elements into you personal brand strategy.
- Skills
- Awards
- Testimonials
- Brand association
- Social proof
- Volunteering
I hope this article was helpful.
See you again next week!
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