GNT #58: Grow your Network by Cheering for Others
Feb 22, 2024read time: 3.5 minutes
Ever noticed how the most connected people are also the biggest cheerleaders for others?
A big part of audience and business building is cultivating your network.
And in a world where cutthroat competition often overshadows collaboration, there's a better path to growth.
It's supporting and rooting for others.
In today's newsletter, we explore examples of how genuine support and recognition of your peers can become the cornerstone of expanding your network.
Let's get to it.
The Power of Positive Networking
The best networkers I know don't look at networking as a means of just adding more contacts and sales to their pipeline.
But as a means of making and supporting meaningful connections.
By shifting that focus from self-promotion to truly helping others, we can cultivate a network that's both strong and sincere.
I often reference, "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
It's a powerful read that includes the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success below and how to open yourself up to the power of giving.
Law #1 - Value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment. Focus on adding value first.
Law #2 - Compensation: Your income is determined by the number of people you serve and how well you serve them. Impact more lives to increase your rewards.
Law #3 - Influence: Your influence is shaped by how earnestly you place others' interests first. Genuine relationships lead to greater influence.
Law #4 - Authenticity: The most valuable gift you can offer is your true self. Authenticity fosters trust and connection.
Law #5 - Receptivity: Being open to receiving is essential to giving effectively. Embrace the gifts others offer you to complete the cycle of giving.
Celebrate Others' Successes
Can you shine a spotlight on the achievements of your connections?
Whether it's a job promotion, a successful project, or a personal milestone, sharing in and celebrating their successes not only strengthens your relationship but also fosters a special ecosystem of positivity within your network.
(do you feel the energy? 🤩)
Here are some ways you can do this:
- Writing a personal congratulatory note to a connection when you see or hear of some exciting news.
- Sharing a LinkedIn post about them and their achievement. What did you find inspiring about it?
- Sending a special celebratory gift or token of congratulations to show your genuine support.
Here's a personal story of this in action.
When we launched our mobile sauna business last year, my friend and peer Heather Boschke sent me a beautiful selenite stone to hang in the sauna to promote a peaceful and harmonious environment.
That thoughtful act meant so much to me and really raised my spirits. It also reinforced the bond between us.
(as you can tell 😉)
Heather is a true cheerleader and genuine lifter-upper of others in her network. Follow her on LinkedIn for so much goodness, inspiration, and tips for a better life.
Who in your network deserves a shoutout this week?
Share and Credit Ideas Generously
When you come across super helpful content or innovative ideas from your connections, share them with your network, giving full credit to the creator.
This is a simple and powerful act because it provides value in 3 ways.
1) It amplifies valuable information for others
2) It positions you as a thought leader who values collaboration
3) It highlights and celebrates the creator for their achievement or work
Many of my LinkedIn post ideas are spurred by books, blogs, articles, or conversations I had with people in my network.
Share away and give credit.
Practice Positive Gossip
Speak positively about others in your network, even in their absence.
This kind of positive gossip not only celebrates others, but it supports your reputation too!
Facilitate Meaningful Connections
Be a connector by introducing people within your network who could benefit from knowing each other.
Thoughtful introductions can lead to new friendships, new learning and personal growth, and yes, even new business opportunities.
By making these meaningful connections, you're cultivating and bringing value to your network.
Collaborate and Co-create
Seek opportunities to collaborate with others in your field.
Whether it's co-authoring an article, hosting a webinar together, or supporting a joint project, these collaborations can lead to mutual growth and extended reach within your respective networks.
You'll also learn a ton in the process.
Take Away: 3 Action Steps
Here's your challenge for this week:
1) Choose one person in your network to support publicly
2) Share one piece of insightful content from someone in your network
3) Make one meaningful introduction between two of your contacts
Send me a note summarizing what you did and I'd love to include you on a LinkedIn shoutout.
Selfish networkers grow slower.
Cheer for others. Focus on the give and be open to receiving.
I can't wait to hear how you cheer for others this week!
See you next Thursday.
Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Need some guidance on personal or professional growth? I'm here to help. It's easy to book time with me. Book a 1:1 worksession with me now.
2. Have a problem you want broken down into actionable steps to solve? Send it to me and I'll write about it.
3. Want short, but meaty tips on growth systems for profit, purpose, and life. Follow me on LinkedIn.
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