The 4 Career Freedoms You Want

GNT #089: The 4 Career Freedoms You Want

Oct 03, 2024

read time: 3.5 minutes

I’ve been there.

For years, I prided myself on being the high-achiever who never slowed down.

But it came at a cost. I was so focused on meeting expectations that I started to feel trapped, unable to be myself at work, feeling guilty for taking time away, and afraid of making even the smallest mistake.

I realize now I was self-sabotaging. I was missing something important: freedom.

When you think about your career, what’s your ultimate goal?

Success? Fulfillment? Growth? Whatever it is, one thing is clear: to get there, you need freedom.

Freedom to be yourself, to evolve, to pause when needed, and to fail without fear.

These 4 career freedoms are essential if you want to build a fulfilling, resilient career that fuels both your purpose and your performance.

Let’s break them down.

1. The Freedom to Be

“Just be yourself” sounds simple - but how often do you feel truly free to be yourself in your work?

Not every work setting, whether in a company, entrepreneurial venture, or freelance, creates the psychological safety needed for authenticity. Many of us feel pressured to conform or hide parts of ourselves to meet what we believe are the expectations of our role.

The issue? When you can’t bring your full self into your work, you’re not just stifling creativity, you’re leaving untapped potential on the table.

According to research from Gallup*, people who feel they can be authentic in their work are 3x more engaged, which leads to stronger performance, greater satisfaction, and increased productivity. 

đź’ˇIdea to explore:
If your current environment doesn’t support authenticity, seek out spaces or opportunities that align with your values.

Whether you're working with a company, running your own business, or consulting, find projects, relationships, or volunteer opportunities where you can show up fully as yourself. The more authentically you are able to express yourself, the more you and your work will thrive.

2. The Freedom to Evolve 

“Stay in your lane” may be common advice, but how often do you feel empowered to expand beyond your current skills or take on new challenges?

Many of us feel confined by our job descriptions, by our niche, or believe we’re expected to stick to what we already know.

When you don’t have the freedom to evolve, you’re missing out on career growth, limiting your potential impact, and stifling that spark within you.

According to research from Workhuman-Gallup*, people who feel they have opportunities to learn and develop are 3.6x more likely to be engaged in their work.

đź’ˇ Idea to explore:
If you’re not getting the opportunities to grow, start creating them yourself.

Seek out new skills, ask for stretch assignments, or look for side projects that push your boundaries.

3. The Freedom to Pause

In the hustle-driven, FOMO culture we live in, taking a break can feel like falling behind.

But without the freedom to pause, we risk burning out, losing creativity, and ultimately becoming less effective in our work.

One study published in Psychology Today* found that employees who took breaks were 31% more productive and 50% more creative than those who worked without pauses​.

It took me the first half of my career to figure this out, but pausing truly is not an indulgence - it’s a critical tool for long-term success.

đź’ˇ Idea to explore:
Feeling chronically drained? Start scheduling intentional breaks both during your workday and for time away from work.

For entrepreneurs and independents, setting boundaries around work hours is key to preventing burnout. Read more: GNT #021: 5 Boundaries Every Growth-Builder Needs.

4. The Freedom to Fail

I'm a recovering perfectionist. I used to have so much anxiety around making mistakes in my work.

Without the freedom to fail, growth becomes stagnant. Failure is a critical part of learning and innovation. The freedom to fail allows you to take risks, experiment, and improve.

According to research from Harvard Business Review*, companies that encourage experimentation and embrace failure are 5x more likely to be innovative than those that penalize mistakes​. 

đź’ˇ Idea to explore:
If fear of failure is holding you back, start reframing it in your mind as feedback. When mistakes happen, analyze what went wrong, and apply those lessons moving forward.

Whether you’re in corporate life, entrepreneurship, or freelancing, embracing failure will push your boundaries and elevate your career. Read more: GNT #065: Make your mistakes well.


Now ask yourself: Which of these freedoms is missing from your career right now?

And: How can you take the first step to reclaim it?

If anything bubbled up for you, send me a note with your findings. I always love hearing from you!

See you next week.

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*Research from Gallup.
*Research from Workhuman-Gallup.
*Research reported from Psychology Today.
*Research from Harvard Business School.

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