GNT #061: Buy Back Your Time
Mar 14, 2024read time: 4.5 minutes
Many years ago, while on the executive team of a high-growth company, I found myself on the verge of major burnout.
I was trying to do it all, to prove to everyone I was invincible.
My breakdown happened in a networking coffee meeting. When it was my turn to share, I just burst into tears.
I felt so embarrassed until the person I was meeting with shared a similar experience of having a breakdown in their office, revealing that many people they knew had faced a similar scenario at some point.
Almost everyone, at some time in their lives, takes on too much, focusing equally on everything and becomes a victim of the "I have to" and "I have no choice" mindset.
It's not our fault. From the outside, we see perfect pictures and think everyone else has it all figured out—so obviously, we should too.
As I was driving home after coffee that day, I made the decision that I would never get so lost that I let someone else dictate how I spend my time -- and my life.
So, I became obsessed with learning how to do just that.
There are many productivity hacks out there, some great in theory but not as effective in practice.
Today, I want to focus on the 7 things that have made the biggest difference for me in owning my time and living intentionally. I learned these from my favorite coaches and experts over the years, through books, and podcasts.
These have significantly improved my life and overall well-being since that coffee meeting years ago.
Here they are.
1. Audit Your Time Like a CEO
First things first, let's get real about where your time is going.
Take a cold, hard look at your schedule. Are you living in reaction mode, or are you living according to a purpose with a pre-envisioned plan?
Yes, unexpected stuff will come up.
But there's a better chance you'll reach your goals when you know what they are... and work backwards with an ideal weekly plan.
A template for your own, personal, Best Week Ever.
The strategy is similar to a financial budget, except we're spending against our time instead of money.
The week above was my 2023 Best Week Ever.
Let's make your Best Week Ever 2024 work for you.
I'll walk you through how to create yours and provide a free template I made for you here:
GNT #029: Change your life rhythm, design your best week ever
2. Embrace the Power of No
According to a recent Indeed report, 52% of all workers are feeling burned out.
Saying yes to everything is not sustainable living. Every "yes" is a commitment, a piece of your life handed over.
But for many, saying no and heaven forbid being "disappointing" 😱 is freaking scary.
But being able to say no is a game-changer (in business and life). Only when we set and maintain boundaries are we able to prioritize.
Repeat after me:
"Not right now."
"It doesn't work for me to..."
"I'd like a day to think about it."
"Why don't we think about it this way."
"I can't commit to this, but here's another option for you."
Practice these or start building your library of positive "no" responses you're comfortable with.
If it's not a "Hell Yeah!" it's a no.
3. Schedule, Delegate, Automate, Delete
You're not a one-person army.
I used to think I was. And then I found myself crying in a coffee meeting.
Stop trying to do it all.
Let your ego take a backseat and identify tasks that aren't as important or don't require your unique skills.
Whether it's outsourcing, automating, or simply asking for help, offload the tasks that eat away at your time and don't make sense for you to focus on.
Use the Eisenhower Matrix below to help figure out what to do now, what to schedule, what to delegate, and what to let go.
Look at everything on your current to-do list. Where do they fit in this matrix?
Read more: GNT #49: "Getting sh*t done" was holding me back
4. Use Time Blocking (Your Secret Weapon)
Time blocking isn't just for CEOs and productivity nerds.
It's a game-changer for anyone looking to take control of their schedule.
Need to get something done? Don't just rely on your to-do list. Put the time on your calendar to get it done.
Idea: make it easy for yourself by putting any notes, resources, or links for what you have to do right in the calendar description.
When you look at your calendar for what you need to do next, it's all right there.
Set aside dedicated blocks of time for focused work, checking email, getting organized, creative thinking, and, most importantly, breaks.
Protect these blocks like gold.
Also check out these 3 meetings to win the week.
5. Pareto Your Priorities with the 80/20 Rule
You've heard of the Pareto 80/20 rule - 80% of results come from 20% of the effort.
Can you identify the 20% of activities that yield 80% of your results -- and double down on them?
For me, and growing my business in 2023, that was educating through writing and focus on value-driven networking.
Whether it's clients, projects, or strategies, how can you actually focus your time and energy where it matters most?
What systems can you put in place to prevent yourself from getting bogged down in the trivial?
6. Invest in Systems
"Losers have goals. Winners have systems." - Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip & best-selling author
Now, don't get me wrong. I still love goals. They help you create a clear picture of where you want to go.
But the power of systems is that they are repeatable processes designed to achieve specific outcomes.
When you focus on systems, you win, even if you don't reach your goal.
[image cred Wang Yip]
Document your daily protocols, your morning ramp up routine, your content process, your standard procedure for that annoying project you have to do every month.
The best part of creating systems and documenting them?
You set yourself up for scale and delegation.
Want to learn more about systems thinking?
Check out Thinking In Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows and Diana Wright.
7. Schedule Your Leisure Time
Yes, you read that right.
Your family time.
Your friend time.
Your self-care time.
Your workout time.
Your hobby time.
Your date night time.
In fact, do this first before anything else.
Because leisure time isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.
Just as you schedule meetings and deadlines, schedule time for rest, relaxation, and recharge.
When you're scheduling a big speaking event or presentation, schedule down-time afterwards.
Get your summer vacations on the calendar now before those precious months start to fill up.
This is so important to not letting your work time define you.
Read more: GNT #41: You are more than your job. Don't let work define you.
And: GNT #025: How to switch off from work
Time is your most valuable asset. And it's never too late to reinvision your time.
There's this grind trend going around right now that to be successful, every minute must count toward revenue.
This couldn't be more wrong.
In fact, it's destructive to your work and health.
Being efficient with your time doesn't equal fitting output into every minute of your day.
It means creating a balance that allows you to focus on important things that align with your life goals and allow you to enjoy and experience life outside of work.
1. Audit Your Time Like a CEO
2. Embrace the Power of No
3. Schedule, Delegate, Automate, Delete
4. Use Time Blocking (Your Secret Weapon)
5. Pareto Your Priorities with the 80/20 Rule
6. Invest in Systems
7. Schedule Your Leisure Time
Now go buy back your time.
See you next week.
p.s. I love hearing from you. Got a challenge you're dealing with right now? Send it to me and I'll write about it!
Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Need some 1:1 coaching on growth? I'm here to help. It's easy to book time with me. Book a 1:1 worksession with me now.
2. Have a problem you want broken down into actionable steps to solve? Send it to me and I'll write about it.
3. Want short, but meaty tips on growth systems for profit, purpose, and life. Follow me on LinkedIn.
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