GNT #068: It is NOT this ONE thing
May 02, 2024read time: 3 minutes
I read the book "The One Thing" by Gary Keller in 2016.
It blew my mind.
I anticipated a freedom I'd been longing for.
You mean I don't have to be doing all the things all the time?
It's so simple!
It'll solve all my problems!
While I agree that multi-tasking can be a killer of productivity, and simplicity can create more mental clarity for action, it didn't solve all my problems.
(Big surprise, I know.)
But it was a lesson in the concept of the "one thing" often used in pitches.
The message that a product/solution is the "one thing" you need in order to finally reach the destination you've been dreaming of.
You've seen it before.
X face cream will instantly cure all your blemishes, your dark spots, and make your face glow so you can feel confident and amazing every time you're in front of a camera.
It's a very powerful frame.
We are drawn to the idea that our breakthrough solution is right around the corner. Because we are looking for the easy, "one thing" we're missing.
In today's newsletter we dispel the myth of the "one thing" and explore why success is rarely about just one thing.
The Oversimplification Trap
When I launched my consulting practice in the fall of 2021, my focus was on teeing up more leads.
The simple equation seemed to be:
More leads = more success.
But merely generating leads was not synonymous with success.
This simplistic focus overlooked a few other critical factors:
- Sales Strategy: Without a solid sales approach, these leads seldom transformed into tangible business. It's kind of like owning a sports car without the keys—you need the important pieces in place to get anywhere.
- Quality Frameworks: My initial client growth frameworks were strong, but they needed refinement to deliver consistent results.
- Operational Efficiency: I hadn't built my systems for sending invoices and other backend processes that were needed to make the whole thing work.
We got there in the end with a few late nights.
But my initial overfocus on generating leads missed the multifaceted and interconnected aspects of running a successful business.
Here's why the "one thing" mindset can mislead you:
- Neglects Other Essentials: Focusing solely on leads was limiting. A thriving business looks at both the holistic client experience and a complete picture what it takes to operate and fulfill on your commitments.
- Lacks Adaptability: This mindset left little room for agility when unforeseen challenges arose.
Expanding Beyond the "One Thing"
Despite the initial hiccups, I reached my six-figure business goal—not by relying on a single focus but through a holistic strategy:
- Integrated Long-form Newsletter Content & Social Media Strategy: Consistent content systems to build visibility and trust.
- Conversion Optimization on LinkedIn + Website: Making it easy to engage with me.
- Pre/Post Customer Experiences: Clear steps, milestones, and templates in a flexible process.
- Operations Systems: Ensured I could handle the increase in demand efficiently.
- Networking + Lead Nurture Strategy: Systems for nurturing relationships over time.
I'm still refining and setting new priorities each quarter, but looking at the big picture, and prioritizing a few important things moving in the same direction helped me reach my initial business goal.
How are the various elements of your business interconnecting and supporting each other?
What are the few, very important things that would make all the difference?
Mental Clarity When Managing Multiple Things
It would certainly have been easier to focus on just "one thing" -- however, I found I CAN keep my eyes on a few important things without going crazy:
- Set Clear Priorities: What truly needs to be done now and what can wait. Not everything is equally urgent.
- Get Organized: I use systems and tools that work for me. For you it might be paper or digital, a simple list or a sophisticated system. Just keep track of where your business is going.
- Delegate/Automate/Batch: Whenever possible.
- Maintain Flexibility: No plan survives contact with reality unaltered.
Success is multi-faceted.
Don't fall for the oversimplification trap.
Real progress requires a mix of a few well-executed strategies that evolve over time.
And you are perfectly positioned to do more than "one thing."
See you next week.
Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Need some 1:1 coaching on growth? I'm here to help. It's easy to book time with me. Book a 1:1 worksession with me now.
2. Have a problem you want broken down into actionable steps to solve? Send it to me and I'll write about it.
3. Want short, but meaty tips on growth systems for profit, purpose, and life. Follow me on LinkedIn.
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