GNT #036: My crazy effective writing formula (that anyone can master)
Sep 09, 2023read time: 3 minutes
In today's newsletter, I'm going to break down my favorite writing formula that's pure gold for encouraging action.
It's not complicated, and anyone, yes anyone, can use it.
Have you ever sat down to write an email, LinkedIn, proposal, etc. and felt that lump in your throat as you stare at a blank screen?
You put time on your calendar to write it, but you feel the seconds tick by.
The truth is, the majority of people are writing without direction.
If your writing feels like you’re tossing words into a void, I get you. You’re missing a formula.
The problem is that most people don't use proven formulas or systems for writing
Today, I'm going to show you an easy structure to help avoid the blank screen blues.
It's my version of Storybrand + PAS (problem/agitate/solution).
I call it The 5 C's.
1. Characterize the Customer: Understand and define who they are.
2. Confront the Challenge: Identify and magnify their pain points.
3. Churn and agitate: dive deeper into the challenges
4. Convey a bright future: Paint a vision of positivity and success.
5. Cure: Offer your solution as the bridge to that future.
If you can master this formula (we all can), you'll create connection and unlock intended action.
No more blank screens - again.
1. Characterize the customer
Deeply understand and empathize with your ideal customer's inner world.
We're not writing yet. We're understanding in this step. Think of it like a character for a novel.
Get to know your ideal customer's world inside-out.
It's more than a superficial demographic profile; it's about truly grasping your customer's core.
Ex: Instead of broadly "targeting students," focus on "first-generation college students who grapple with their family's expectations while trying to find their footing in a new academic environment."
Action Step: Dedicate time to engage with your audience and ask questions. The more you understand, the more genuine your content will be.
2. Confront the challenge
Zoom in and agitate the issues and dilemmas your customer faces.
With your audience clearly defined, let's start writing.
Go beyond the obvious and explore the challenges that might be lurking beneath the surface.
Ex: Instead of the general "College is challenging," frame it as "As a first-gen student, you're caught between unfamiliar academic norms and your family's traditions, constantly juggling academic commitments with familial expectations."
Action Step: Dive deep. Don't generalize. Address the nuances.
3. Churn and agitate, dive deeper into the challenges
Intensify their awareness of pain by agitating the challenges.
We're paving the way for the eventual solution.
Make them realize the depth of the issue at hand.
Ex: "For a first-gen college student, every campus corner can feel like unknown terrain. The dual pressures of being a family trailblazer and battling imposter syndrome can be overwhelming."
Action Step: Reflect on the multifaceted nature of their experience. The internal and external challenges they face.
4. Convey a bright future
Sketch a descriptive picture of a promising future.
At our core, we all yearn for hope. Paint a vivid picture of a future where their challenges are resolved.
Ex: "But there's a way to overcome. Imagine the day you walk across that stage, diploma in hand, every challenge overcome, and every family sacrifice made worthwhile. Your journey has not only made you stronger but has set you up for success beyond college."
Action Step: Illustrate the transformative journey, emphasizing not just the end goal but the path they've tread.
5. Cure = your solution
Offer your solution as the bridge to that future.
Finally, offer them a clear path forward.
Ex: "Introducing 'FirstPath': A program tailored for first-gen students. More than just academic guidance, we equip you with tools and mentorship to confidently navigate college life."
Action Step: Position your solution in the context of their journey. Showcase how it's specially crafted to address their needs.
TL;DR - Use the 5 C's for impactful writing:
1. Characterize the customer: Know your audience.
2. Confront the challenge: Highlight their problems.
3. Churn and agitate: Deep dive into their issues.
4. Convey a bright future: Describe hope.
5. Cure: Offer your solution as the bridge to that future.
Hope this was helpful.
See you next week!
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