This Weekly Habit Changed Everything

GNT #078: 👉 This Weekly Habit Changed Everything

habits linkedin networking Jul 18, 2024

read time: 4.5 minutes

3 years ago, I met J.

I was leading marketing at a company, taking on strategic partnerships as a new facet of my role.

At the time, I had no network other than a few casual acquaintances from previous jobs. I barely talked with anyone outside of my company, and if I did, it was related to my work.

The CEO of my company sent an intro email between J and me. Little did I know, J was a legendary networker. Her ability to connect with people as human beings, cultivate deep relationships over time, and support her business needs was an art I've come to realize few have figured out.

We had a virtual call, and I was instantly blown away by how much J wanted to help me, how she asked questions not just about my work, but my life, my family, and my big dreams. I left the call with a few simple, but incredibly valuable tips, a handful of new connections that started a positive network domino effect for me, and a new mentor and confidant in my life.

And when I say domino effect, the networking dominos are still positively going from that one simple conversation with J 3 years ago.

In today's newsletter, I'm passing on a few of those valuable nuggets I learned from J, as well as some fundamentals of my weekly networking habit -- a habit that keeps me connected, brings me opportunities to pay it forward, and supports my businesses in extraordinary ways.

Let's dig in.

Lead with the Give

An overarching lesson I learned from J was to always lead with a giving spirit.

Offering help and resources to others without expecting immediate returns.

Connections, event ideas, advice, or a different perspective -- there are so many ways to help even if you think you don't have much to give. J even donated a silent auction item to a charity event I was organizing after we had only just met.

This philosophy is beautifully outlined in the book "The Go-Giver," and it shows how the power of giving can bring opportunities you never imagined (and it feels great too!).


Curiosity Opens Doors

Leading with curiosity has been a game-changer for me in networking, business, and life in general.

Every new conversation is a chance to learn, not just about people who could be potential buyers, but about anyone you meet.

Everyone has unique experiences and perspectives that can spark new ideas.

  • Listen actively.
  • Ask meaningful questions.
  • Engage deeply with responses.

And check out the "The Little Book of Networking" by Kurt Schmidt. Kurt provides practical tips on how to ask insightful questions and engage deeply with people you meet.

Turn the Dial Up/Down

Never stop networking. It's true. I've talked to so many folks who wished they would have kept time for networking, even when they weren't looking for something.

But life gets busy, and setting healthy boundaries is a good thing.

Instead of not continuing to network when things get busy or life changes, what if we considered it like a continual dial we can turn up or down as we need to?

Right now, I protect 2-3 hours each week in my calendar for networking. I've also been using Calendly so I can set buffers and maximum meeting types.

All of our roles and lives are so different, but thinking of networking as a "continual process of learning" vs. "only what I do when I need something" has been a valuable mindset shift.

Read More: GNT #021: 5 Boundaries Every Growth-Builder Needs
Read More: An introvert's growth guide in an extroverted world of business

Nurture Relationships Over Time

Staying connected in some way over time extends the impact of networking.

I like to connect on LinkedIn with everyone I meet 1:1, engage with their content, and share ideas I think are valuable through this newsletter and snippets on LinkedIn.

If I happen to think, "Oh [SO AND SO] would find this interesting," I'll take action and send them a LinkedIn DM or email.

Having a networking CRM (mine is a totally simple spreadsheet) has been really helpful to remember details like who the person is interested in connecting with, their passions, challenges, or big ideas. As I look through my network CRM, the most outstanding connection potentials stand out.

Lastly, you don't have to nor should you have deep relationships with everyone. Those weak connections are really important to the overall functioning of our collective networks.

Read more on the importance of weak ties here: GNT #063: Someone you barely know will help you


Consider the Right Networking Events for You

The energy in group settings can be really uplifting, but just like anything, there are so many wonderful networking events and groups out there, it's easy to feel overwhelmed or like you have to attend all of them.

You don't have to.

In fact, I urge you to let that FOMO go and spend some time thinking about going deeper on fewer events instead of superficially attending more events. If you only had a limited amount of time each month to attend events, which would you attend?

My favorite events to attend are those put on by individuals casually inviting folks in their network. Especially when the format is a hobby, activity, or passion they're excited about.

I've hosted an improv class networking event, sauna, group walk, salt cave, cooking class, and I'm toying around with the idea of a posture workshop with my chiropractor (something I'm working on this year!)

What might this look like for you and your network?


Even the best networkers I know, like my friend J, are continually learning. They know not every interaction will be perfect, but that's not the point.

Networking helps others, helps us, and helps our collective community ascend and evolve in the most extraordinary ways.

What J opened my eyes to was a secret of the greatest networkers.

A mindset.

Networking can be a joyful habit.

If you enjoyed this newsletter. I hope you forward it to someone today.

See you next week!



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