These 9 Reframes Change Everything

GNT #088: These 9 Reframes Change Everything

growth long-game mindset Sep 26, 2024

read time: 3 minutes

A single reframe can change everything.

Last week, I was feeling stuck. Frustrated that my newsletter wasn’t growing as quickly as I’d hoped, my thoughts spiraled. Should I even continue?

But then I paused. I reframed and reflected on the last 21 months and realized how far I’d come: my writing had improved, I’d built a valuable library of content, and best of all? The thoughtful responses from you—this community of purpose-driven builders who are committed to steady growth. That’s my reason. That’s my why.

That shift in perspective got me back on track. And I realized: we all need those reframes - moments where a shift in mindset helps us regain control of our actions.

So today, I’m sharing the 9 powerful reframes that have kept me moving forward, in both business and life. These reframes help me shift my thinking so I stay in the driver’s seat.

Let’s dive in.

1. The 10-Minute Rule

I don’t have time.” → “I’ll spend just 10 minutes."

High expectations can paralyze. Instead of tackling big tasks all at once, commit to just 10 minutes. You’ll often find that once you start, momentum carries you through.

>> Can you block 10 minutes today to make progress on your next big goal?


2. Identity > Achievement

I want to write a book.” → “I am a writer who writes daily.

Focus on becoming the person you want to be, not just the outcome you want to achieve. It's not always about the end goal - it’s about building the habit of showing up.

>> What identity do you need to embrace to develop your key habit?

3. I Have To → I Get To

I have to work out.” → “I get to work out.

Reframing obligations as opportunities can completely change your attitude. Not everyone gets the chance to improve themselves.

>> Which obligation can you reframe with gratitude?

4. I Don’t Have the Skills → I Can Figure This Out

I’m not skilled enough for this.” → “I’ll learn or find someone to help me.

This reframe puts you in a resourceful mindset. There’s always a way forward if you’re willing to learn or seek help.

>> What’s one area where you can be more resourceful?

5. Overwhelm → Focus on What You Control

This is too much.” → “What’s one thing I can control right now?

When things feel chaotic, hone in on the next small step. Regaining control of even one action can create momentum.

>> What’s your next small step?

6. I Don’t Know Where to Start → Look to Future You

I don’t know what to do first.” → “What’s one thing my future self will be glad I did today?

This reframe moves you toward meaningful action and long-term benefits instead of being paralyzed by uncertainty.

>> What will future you be glad you did today?

7. Fear of Failure → Learn From the Experience

I’m afraid I’ll fail.” → “If I fail, I’ll know what to improve.”

Failure is a feedback mechanism, not a setback. It's simply a stepping stone to refinement and success.

>> What can this failure teach you to improve for next time?

8. I Don’t Want To → I’ll Feel Great Once It’s Done

Ugh. I don’t want to do this.” → “I’ll feel so accomplished when it's finished.

Shifting focus to the feeling of completion can help you power through even the most dreaded tasks.

>> What task can you finish today for that sense of achievement?

9. It’s Not Worth the Effort → Every Step Builds Character

This task isn’t worth my time.” → “This is building resilience.

Even the smallest tasks contribute to your long-term growth and character. While some tasks can be delegated, those that only you can do are opportunities to build discipline and character.

>> What’s one thing only you can do today that will help you grow?



My biggest challenges are always in my own head.

But when you shift your thinking, you shift your results.

Which of these 9 reframes could you use this week? Bookmark this, so the next time you're spiraling, you can take control.

See you next week!

If you enjoyed this newsletter, I hope you forward it to someone today. 



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